Sunday, February 9, 2020

Story of the Film

         For my group's final project, our film is going to be a humorous yet thrilling experience for young audiences, as they watch what happens when a dumb blonde runs into her crazy stalker. The target group for this film is aimed at young adult viewers, who will find the stereotypical characters and dark humor enjoyable. I feel that this topic is culturally relevant, as the Netflix show "You" (2018-present) has proved that the topic of stalkers in the modern age is a great hit among viewers due to the series success. While our film is meant to showcase the horror comedy genre, I think the film could work as a way to bring more awareness to the issue of stalkers following young women (and men).

Image result for you

          The movie is going to acquire most of its comedic effect by playing off of traditional horror tropes (explained a couple blog posts back) and stereotypes of horror movie characters. However, in order for our film to be scary we want to have a set of thrilling jump scares and chilling dialogue such as the iconic line from “Scream” (1996). The dialogue in this film had a great balance between humor and terror, something my group strives to accomplish without the use of blood and gore. Honestly, I think films that have taken the psychological route to horror instead of blunt visuals are much scarier and interesting to watch.

Image result for karen from mean girls
"Dumb blonde" character,
 Karen (Mean Girls)
Our movie’s “brand” is going to resemble a lot of teen slasher films from the 2000’s, the costuming of the character’s is going to be a great way to communicate this idea to the audience. Other films from the teen comedy genre such as “Mean Girls” (2004) offer a great deal of costuming designs that can implicate the personality of our "dumb blonde" character. Combining opposing wardrobe would symbolize who our film’s protagonist and antagonist is, without the need to explain this vocally to the audience (preppy clothing v. all black ensemble).

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