Hi guys! My name is Maliah and I am a AS Media Studies student. Over the next couple of weeks I will be working on my AS Media Studies final, which consists of making a film opening, and documenting the entire process through a series of blog posts. In this blog, you will all get to follow my journey in completing this project from start to finish. I am planning on doing this project with my fellow classmate (and close friend) Josie. Josie and I have been friends for many years and have similar working styles, which is great for a school project such as this. When Josie and I were first deciding what type of movie we wanted to create, our minds went to the “easiest” genre to mimic: Horror. The conventions of the horror genre appeared to be quite simple: flickering lights, unexplained noises, and a monster chasing you through the night.
While horror is a fantastic choice for a low budget film, there was something missing from our idea. We knew that we didn't want to make another typical scary movie, and so, we came up with the idea of doing a horror comedy. As of now we are still brainstorming ideas on what our film topic is going to be. We have drawn inspiration from horror comedies such as “Cooties” (2014), “Scary Movie” (2000), and television shows such as “Scream Queens” (2015-2016) and “American Horror Story” (2011-present). Each has provided us with great scenarios we could use for our film and gives us a chance to watch horror conventions at work. I am beginning to conduct more research into the horror genre by searching for archetypes in classic horror films such as "Halloween" (1978) and by watching a variety of horror/horror comedy film openings. My partner and I want to have fun with our final, and so we plan on targeting a teenage audience that can relate to our film opening. By aiming towards this specific age group, it will be much easier for my partner and I since we are teenagers ourselves. Hopefully by the next post, I can update you guys on our film topic!
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